CTP Seminar

  • Speaker: Mohamed Darwish
  • Title: Time domain Astronomy in the Era of large surveys: Contact Binaries case study
  • Place: Level 3 Meeting Room, BUE Science Park (#312)
  • Date: 28 Feb 2024
  • Time: 2:00 PM

  • Abstract:-
  • In the contemporary landscape of astronomy, the advent of large-scale survey projects such as GAIA, ZTF, OGLE, HAT-South, PanSTARRS, SkyMapper, ASAS, WASP, CRTS, GOTO and LAMOST has revolutionized our understanding of the time-domain universe. These surveys provide substantial datasets of known objects and events, such as supernovae, active galactic nuclei (AGN), and diverse types of variable stars. This abundance of data allows for in-depth analyses and further investigations into these phenomena, contributing to advancements in our understanding of the universe. Time domain astronomy (studying systems that change over time) is inherently astronomy of telescope-computational systems, and will increasingly depend on novel machine learning and artificial intelligence tools. This talk delves into the realm of time-domain astronomy within the context of these expansive surveys, focusing on the intriguing class of contact binaries. Leveraging the wealth of observational data provided by modern survey initiatives, we embark on a detailed exploration of the dynamic behavior exhibited by contact binaries over time. Through meticulous analysis and interpretation of light curve variations, we uncover intricate details of their physical properties, evolutionary pathways, and interaction mechanisms. Furthermore, we investigate the implications of our findings on broader astrophysical phenomena and evolutionary scenarios. Our study not only underscores the pivotal role of time-domain astronomy in harnessing large survey datasets but also highlights the significance of contact binaries as exemplary systems for probing stellar evolution and dynamical processes. By elucidating the intricate interplay between observational techniques, data analysis methodologies, and theoretical frameworks, this research contributes to advancing our comprehension of the dynamic universe unveiled by modern astronomical surveys.